Landowner helps with Maitland reforestation

Local participating landowner works with Maitland Conservation to plant more than 12 acres of trees and shrubs
This past spring (2023), a participating landowner in the Maitland Valley watershed partnered with Maitland Conservation to restore more than 12 acres of pasture within the flood plain of the Maitland River.
The landowner, with coordination provided by the stewardship team at Maitland Conservation, and with funding support from various sources (including Huron County Clean Water Project; and Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund of Environment and Climate Change Canada), was able to plant 9,000 seedlings with 100 per cent funding.
The planting crews planted eleven species. These species included Eastern White Pine; Swamp White Oak; Eastern White Cedar; Sycamore; White Spruce; and Highbush Cranberry.
This diversity of species will improve the plantation's resiliency for weather extremes and changes in climate, pest and disease pressures, and provide a dynamic habitat for wildlife.
The newly-treed slopes and low-lying areas of the prior pastures will reduce erosion as the tree roots grow into and stabilize the soil. Water, carrying nutrients and sediment from the surrounding landscape, will be intercepted by the trees, reducing the potential for pollutants and sediment from entering Lake Huron through our watershed’s river systems.
A 1.6-acre wetland is being constructed this year and, with an additional seven acres planned to be planted in following years, this reforestation project comes to span a total of 20 acres.
Maitland Conservation staff are actively in search of similar projects in flood plains, as well as in marginal farmland, wet fields, and on hillsides. Ideally, they are seeking projects of two or more acres in size that could be planted in the Spring of 2024.
Landowners in the Maitland Valley watershed are encouraged to reach out with their planting ideas and restoration inquires to:
Contact Maitland Conservation by phone:
- Shannon Millar, Restoration Lead, 519-335-3557, extension 233
- Marisa Roefs, Stewardship Technician, 519-335-3557, extension 235
To learn more about tree planting and other stewardship projects and funding please visit:
PHOTO INFORMATION: Shown planting trees are members of the stewardship team at Maitland Conservation (left to right): Marisa Roefs (Stewardship Technician); Dayden Frey (Summer Student); Ben Van Dieten (Stewardship Projects Lead); and Shannon Millar (Restoration Lead).